Help revise and update the 7 Principles

October 4, 2021

Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network is looking for People with Lived Experience of Homelessness to Contribute to Revisioning and Updating the Seven Principles


The Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network (CLELN) is a collective of diverse individuals with lived experience in homelessness with expertise in grassroots organizing, advocacy, mentorship and peer support who work to ensure that the voices of all people with lived experience are in the forefront of all matters regarding homelessness. CLELN works to eliminate homelessness and housing insecurity through research, policy, advocacy, training, and collaboration. The Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network is an Allied Network of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH).

Our Vision

One Voice: Inspiring Change; Creating Hope; Eliminating Homelessness.

Our Mission
  • Bringing the perspectives of our lived experience to the forefront
  • Advocating for policy change in support of preventing and ending homelessness in Canada
  • Valuing, listening to, and actualizing the voices and ideas of peoples with lived experience of homelessness and housing insecurity in policy discussions and public debate
  • Advocate to include people with lived experience at all levels: programs, systems, and policy making
  • Developing training to support transformation of programs and systems to support ending homelessness
  • Hosting webinars featuring best and promising practices on lived experience advocacy, equity and diversity policies, employment and leadership development
  • Collecting and disseminating resources on homelessness and housing insecurity
  • Hosting CLELN sessions and supports for those with Lived Experience at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness and other forums

This Maytree funded project aims for the Inclusion of People with Lived Experience in articulating principles for the inclusion and leadership of people with lived experience in policy development, funding mechanisms, program, service delivery and organizations and initiatives that aim to address homelessness. These principles point to the importance of first voice inclusion in all endeavours to end homelessness, “Nothing About Us Without Us.”

Click here to download the Seven Principles document: LEAC-7principles-final.pdf (


To revision and revise the principles of inclusion of people of lived experience in leadership opportunities, policy development, program and service delivery and oversight mechanisms on any initiatives addressing homelessness and housing precarity.

  • To have 12 People with Lived Expertise of Homelessness participate in revisioning, reviewing, and revising key principles on PWLE engagement and inclusion.
  • To be able to meet 2 times a month to discuss current 7 principles and provide feedback and consultation on the Principles.
  • To be able to participate using the online platform Zoom.
  • To participate in potential webinars, Principles launch, Blog writing if needed

Person with Lived Experience (PWLE) of homelessness Definition: A PWLE is a person who has been, or currently is homeless. We want to honour and include people who have experienced different types and lengths of homelessness, if being homeless was a significant part of their life.

Scope of Partnership
PWLE members will possess the following:
  • Passion for advocacy
  • Ability to work independently and coordinate with a team;
  • Some administrative skills (computer knowledge, email, typing etc.)

Hours: 2-4 hours per month

Priorities and Activities: Attend and participate in CLELN Principles Project meeting

Compensation: PWLE Principles Project members will receive a paid honourarium for their participation as consultants

If you’d like to apply or for more information, email Debbie McGraw at [email protected]

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