Join Us
Membership in CLELN is open to individuals with lived experience of homelessness and or currently experiencing homelessness, and organizations or networks representing people with lived experience of homelessness.
Expectations of CLELN Members
- Support and advance the principles of CLELN
- Actively contribute to the CLELN
- Be proactive in providing advice and feedback
- Facilitate communication with and between agencies, organizations, groups and individuals working to end homelessness
- Notify the CLELN if no longer interested or available to participate
- Members identify and act from an Anti-Oppressive, Anti-Racist, Anti-Harassment framework
- Members are to adhere to and uphold the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Members must adhere and uphold the values of integrity, respect, dignity, understanding
If you would like to join CLELN, please contact us:
Connect with Peers and Share Resources
Are you currently or previously homeless? Are you a policy maker, advocate, funder, researcher who wants to get involved?